My TED like Talk

When my teacher told me that we had to create a TED like Talk, my mind instantly filled with lots of ideas on what to do. I spent a lot of time trying to decide what to do my talk on and I finally decided on Unity. Once I finally decided on Unity, I realized that I still had to decide what I wanted to explain about Unity so I decided to explain how to code a basic 3d game in Unity. One of the big struggles that I had while I was making my Google Slides was finding copyright free images. Another struggle that I had while I was making my Google Slide presentation was uploading a video that I had recorded of the project. However, after a lot of trial and error I was finally able to fix these problems.

After I was done deciding what I wanted to do my talk on and created my Google Slides presentation I started to code the game. The game I chose to create was a basic player movement game that allowed a capsule to move left, right, backwards, forwards, diagonal and it could even jump. After coding the game and fixing a couple of errors that I got I was able to upload a video of my game working into my google slides presentation.

Once I was done with all of this I practice saying my presentation over and over and over again I said it to my mom, dad, sister and some of my classmates. When I was ready I picked a date to present my talk. When the day of the talk came I was pretty nervous about making a mistake but I new that I was ready because I practiced it so many times. While I was doing my presentation, I felt scared but I still stayed calm and gave the presentation.

During my presentation I think that I did pretty well. Some things that I think that I did really well with are making eye contact with the audience, keeping the audience engaged and staying calm. Some things that I think that I need to work on are talking slower and not starting all of my sentences the same way. Overall, I think that I did really well in my talk and I think it was a great experience to have.

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