Window or Mirror

I am reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Ready Player One is about a virtual reality world called the Oasis and there is a contest going on. The winner of the contest will be the new owner of the Oasis. This contest is causing a group of people called the 101 to do everything they can to win the contest so when they take over the Oasis they can charge a monthly fee. However another group of people called gunters do not want this to happen so everyone is trying to win the contest.

What is a window and a mirror? A window is when you can not relate to the book but  a mirror is when you can relate to the book. This book is more of a window for me because I do not spend almost all of my life in virtual reality. Another reason this is more of a window for me is because the main character never wants to go outside, talk to anyone or even look at anyone and I love to be outside and in nature. These are the reasons why Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is more of a window for me.

My Backpack

In the book Finding Someplace by  Denise Lewis Patrick there was a hurricane and  Reesie had to pack a backpack to survive on. If I were in Reesie’s situation I would try to pack only the things I 100 percent need to bring because the backpack is only so big. Some things that Reesie brought were water, food and her parent’s important papers. I have to be smart about what you bring if you want to be able to live off a single backpack. These are some of the things that I would bring if I was in Reesie’s situation. 

The first thing I would bring would be food. Some types of food I would bring would be protein bars because they have plenty of protein to keep me going. Another type of food I would bring would be fruit like apples because they give me some natural sugar. The final type of food I would bring would be some Uncrustables because they have protein and are a starch. This is the type of food I would bring if I had to back a backback during a hurricane.

Another thing I would bring is a first aid kit. I would bring a first aid kit because if someone got hurt, I will have the proper supplies to treat them. Some things that I would bring in a first aid kit would be band aids, Neosporin, gauze tape, flashlight, emergency blanket, paper tape and scissors. With these supplies I would be able to treat someone if they were to get injured.

The final supplies I would bring would be some of the most important things to bring. I would bring my passport and all of my other very important papers like my birth certificate. Another thing I would bring would be a weather radio to listen in to what is happening. One of the top priority things I would bring would be an iPhone and a charger because if I were to get separated from my family I could call them to ask where they are. The final and the most important thing I would bring would be water because I need water to survive.

Overall, I have to be very smart about what you bring but I think if I were in a hurricane like Reesie this backpack would keep me alive. These are all of the things that I would put in my backpack if I were in the middle of a hurricane.