Window or Mirror

I am reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Ready Player One is about a virtual reality world called the Oasis and there is a contest going on. The winner of the contest will be the new owner of the Oasis. This contest is causing a group of people called the 101 to do everything they can to win the contest so when they take over the Oasis they can charge a monthly fee. However another group of people called gunters do not want this to happen so everyone is trying to win the contest.

What is a window and a mirror? A window is when you can not relate to the book but  a mirror is when you can relate to the book. This book is more of a window for me because I do not spend almost all of my life in virtual reality. Another reason this is more of a window for me is because the main character never wants to go outside, talk to anyone or even look at anyone and I love to be outside and in nature. These are the reasons why Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is more of a window for me.