
What do we do in Math? When we walk into math class there are instructions on the board. Usually the board says to do Test Trainer and take out our homework. After about 10 minutes we go over our homework. After we go over our homework Ms. Pollard tells us what we are doing today. Then we will usually do some type of math sheet and go over it as a class. At the end of class, Ms. Pollard will hand out and explain what we have to do for homework. This is what my math class is like.

One project that I really enjoyed that we did in math class is the budget project. For the budget project, we had to pick a career then create a budget for how much money we would spend on health insurance, car insurance, eye insurance, teeth insurance, food, gas, Wi-Fi, electricity, car, college and much more. This was my favorite project. This was my favorite project because you can be very creative with the budget. My career I chose is a Software Developer. Overall, this was a very fun project!